For all my Blog-Friends especially to Magda from Australia and Laura from California . edit.g?blogID= 2322872750588778867&postID= 8282935961484804441
Wir haben Glück, denn bei den Wicca's dauert "Weihnachten" viel länger und beginnt bereits morgen........
und damit beginnt die Zeit des Räucherns, Feierns, aber auch des Innehaltens und des Glauben....
Mehr darüber erfahrt ihr, wenn ihr diesem Link folgt.....
Some of us have never forgotten
the other world.
That other world in which we did not know time and space.
The world, the eternal cycle and all the
decay moves.
For all those creatures on earth,
to find still
the place in this world to be.
There is a feeling as cold in the summer,
a cold but that does not really exist.
But what does it mean really ......
What matters is only the feeling.
This is alone in the midst of friends,
a solitude that does not really exist.
But what is even friends,
what does it mean really?
What matters is the feeling.
Nothing happens by chance in this world
and everything has a purpose.
all those creatures also look for the other world ....
Thank you,
divine you
power you moving, all
for all the wonders
that you see me in this life have let
and the new look you can tell me every day.
Besonders aber grüße ich an diesem Tage und an dieser Stelle,
all jene unter euch, deren Seelen es niemals vergessen haben,
dass wir alle aus einer anderen Welt kommen
und dass wir alle wieder dorthin gehen werden.....
Ich wünsche euch
ein besonders schönes Julfest & Merry Christmas
blessed be everybody....
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