Dear user,
It saddens me to inform you that after 9 years of services, I am stopping my web counter activity.
The shift from blogs to social networks and the overwhelming competition of free services has dramatically decreased my customer base to the point where I can no longer pay for the hosting of my servers.
I will do my best to refund you pro rata of the time elapsed since your last payment. Please wait for an email from the designated company liquidator.
I thank you wholeheartedly for the interest you have shown in my products during all these years. It was a great adventure for me.
Please find here-after your most recent visitor count. I am sure that you will find a suitable replacement for my counters.
1. | Germany: | 27477 |
2. | Austria: | 9272 |
3. | Switzerland: | 5501 |
4. | United States: | 1123 |
5. | Italy: | 188 |
6. | Russian Federation: | 155 |
7. | Luxembourg: | 152 |
8. | France: | 130 |
9. | Norway: | 123 |
10. | Canada: | 115 |
11. | Netherlands: | 114 |
12. | United Kingdom: | 101 |
13. | Spain: | 92 |
14. | Europe: | 85 |
15. | Belgium: | 75 |
16. | Hungary: | 61 |
17. | Czech Republic: | 61 |
18. | Romania: | 57 |
19. | Sweden: | 53 |
20. | Turkey: | 43 |
21. | Poland: | 39 |
22. | Greece: | 37 |
23. | Australia: | 33 |
24. | Denmark: | 33 |
25. | Croatia: | 32 |
26. | Liechtenstein: | 31 |
27. | Ukraine: | 31 |
28. | Mexico: | 24 |
29. | Ireland: | 23 |
30. | Portugal: | 21 |
31. | Brazil: | 18 |
32. | Colombia: | 15 |
33. | Argentina: | 14 |
34. | Bosnia and Herzegovina: | 14 |
35. | Serbia: | 13 |
36. | Finland: | 13 |
37. | Bulgaria: | 13 |
38. | Slovenia: | < td>12|
39. | India: | 12 |
40. | Japan: | 11 |
41. | Indonesia: | 11 |
42. | Slovakia: | 11 |
43. | South Korea: | 10 |
44. | Thailand: | 10 |
45. | Philippines: | 9 |
46. | Vietnam: | 8 |
47. | Latvia: | 8 |
48. | Israel: | 7 |
49. | Lithuania: | 7 |
50. | Belarus: | 6 |
51. | Georgia: | 6 |
52. | Venezuela: | 5 |
53. | Estonia: | 5 |
54. | Egypt: | 5 |
55. | China: | 5 |
56. | Paraguay: | 5 |
57. | New Zealand: | 4 |
58. | Frmr.Macedonia.R.Y.: | 4 |
59. | United Arab Emirates: | 4 |
60. | Singapore: | 4 |
61. | Moldova: | 3 |
62. | Peru: | 3 |
63. | Mongolia: | 3 |
64. | Chile: | 3 |
65. | South Africa: | 3 |
66. | Tunisia: | 3 |
67. | Iraq: | 3 |
68. | Dominican Republic: | 2 |
69. | Monaco: | 2 |
70. | Saudi Arabia: | 2 |
71. | Algeria: | 2 |
72. | Ecuador: | 2 |
73. | Kuwait: | 2 |
74. | Pakistan: | 2 |
75. | Sri Lanka: | 2 |
76. | Malaysia: | 2 |
77. | Palestinian Territory: | 2 |
78. | < td>Cyprus:2 | |
79. | Namibia: | 2 |
80. | Taiwan: | 2 |
81. | Morocco: | 2 |
82. | Jordan: | 1 |
83. | Asia/Pacific Region: | 1 |
84. | Panama: | 1 |
85. | Cambodia: | 1 |
86. | Albania: | 1 |
87. | Malta: | 1 |
88. | Montenegro: | 1 |
89. | Zimbabwe: | 1 |
90. | Aland Islands: | 1 |
91. | Jersey: | 1 |
92. | Iceland: | 1 |
93. | Ghana: | 1 |
94. | Nepal: | 1 |
1 Kommentar:
Ich habe deinen Blog ´durch Zufall gefunden, weil ich gegooglet hatte, warum Neoworx nicht mehr geht.
Ich hatte mich mit den Scripten befasst, wäre nie auf die Idee gekommen, dass dieser tolle Service irgendwann mal nicht mehr funktioniert.
Ich danke dir für diesen Blogeintrag.
Ein seltsamer und netter Zufall, dass ich diesen schönen Blog gefunden habe.
Ich werde sicherlich darin stöbern.
liebe Grüße von Archi
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